The first thing I did was I took a lot of picture of the chair in different angles.
For the first image I put the opacity to around 50% since I wanted to make the chair the darkest there and the rest is translucent. Next I just chose a random picture I took and made the opacity around 47% and placed over the the first picture and I made sure the two chair overlap.
For all the picture I put the opacity to around 40%-60% so the picture would be visible. The next overlap was the one on the left. I put this picture more on the left since it the left side of the chair
This is the fifth picture of the chair, I did the same thing for the rest of the following picture, lower the opacity to around 40%-60% and overlap the chair.
<<<<<Sixth Picture
<<<< Seventh Picture
<<<<< Eight Picture
<<< Ninth Picture
<<<< Tenth Picture
<<<<< Eleventh Picture
<<<< Twelfth Picture
<<<<Thirteenth Picture
I did not use these picture because I did not like them or I did not want to use them. Some of these picture are in the same angle as the one I use but the light are different and I did not like the lighting.
<<<<< Eleventh Picture
<<<< Twelfth Picture
<<<<Thirteenth Picture
I did not use these picture because I did not like them or I did not want to use them. Some of these picture are in the same angle as the one I use but the light are different and I did not like the lighting.
Finally, here is my montage